Entry can be denied if it becomes known, that the person in question has an infectious disease.
Deportation is possible
HIV-specific entry and residence regulations for Solomon Islands
Some HIV/AIDS entry restrictions exist for visitors to and foreign residents of the Solomon Islands. According to the Solomon Islands Immigration Act, an immigration officer can bar you from entering the country or deport you if you refuse to submit to an examination by a government medical officer after being required to do so.
(Source: 1)
Border officers may require a medical certificate. An HIV test is required for stays over 90 days.
(Source: 2)
HIV treatment information for Solomon Islands
HIV information / HIV NGOs in Solomon Islands
Updated information is available through the aidsmap search engine at
Global Criminalisation of HIV Transmission Scan
The Global Criminalisation Scan is an initiative of GNP+. It aims to collect and keep up to date information on national and state level laws criminalising the transmission of or exposure to HIV. It also aims to provide an easily accessible ‘clearing-house’ of resources, research, and initiatives on the subject and to provide a platform for advocacy initiatives.
Find out more about the scan and the criminalisation of HIV transmission legislation at
- U.S. Department Of State; Bureau of Consular Affairs; https://travel.state.gov / January 18, 2018; consulted July 4, 2018
- UNAIDS, Geneva, February 10, 2010
updated: 7/4/2018
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